
In stock Popular

High-quality materials, selected for the highest demands of equestrian sport.

Directly from the manufacturer

Your products come directly from our production to you without any detours.

Customised for you

In the configurator, you can customise your product to suit you and your horse.



In stock Popular

In stock

In stock in the MATTES shop: Quickly available products directly from stock in many popular designs.

€8.50 incl. VAT excl. Delivery
In Stock

In stock

  • Made in Europe
    with the highest care and quality
  • Professional advice
    by e-mail and telephone
  • Easy & secure payment
    with PayPal, credit card or prepayment

Optimale Waschergebnisse

Der Waschbeutel von MATTES zeichnet sich durch besondere Stabilität aus – wir empfehlen ihn für die Maschinenwäsche Ihrer Basisgurte und Profi-Gamaschenschalen.

Artikel auf Lager

Made in Europa

Farbe je nach Lagerbestand!

MATTES® lambskin items should be washed frequently. Correct care and washing (see MATTES® special MELP detergent) is very important and will provide you with many more years of enjoyment from your product.

Download washing instructions (english)

Download washing instructions (more languages)

In Stock

Washing Liquid MELP 500ml

€12.50 inkl. MwSt.


High-quality materials, selected for the highest demands of equestrian sport.

Directly from the manufacturer

Your products come directly from our production to you without any detours.

Customised for you

In the configurator, you can customise your product to suit you and your horse.

So bleiben Gurte und Gamaschen jahrelang einwandfrei

Unser Tipp für exzellentes Aussehen und zuverlässige Funktionalität Ihrer MATTES-Produkte: Verstauen Sie Basisgurte und Profi-Gamaschenchalen in unseren Waschbeutel – und geben Sie diesen dann in Ihre Waschmaschine. Das Lammfell waschen Sie einfach in der gleichen Wäsche außerhalb des Waschbeutels mit, dadurch wird die Wolle von der Waschlauge gut durchspült.